Black coffee is rich in polyphenol, an antioxidant by drinking coffee was significantly associated with a 35% reduction in the incidence of liver fibrosis. Which in turn reduced the risk of cirrhosis. Such as “ black coffee ” that is popular among health lovers.
The study found that drinking 3 cups/day of coffee was associated. With a lower risk of developing fatty liver than 2 cups/day of coffee drinking liver mask. However, other epidemiological factors need to be studied further.

Precautions for drinking coffee.
However, drinking large amounts of coffee at one time may cause palpitations a sudden increase in blood pressure restless. And can’t sleep. If on any day that you do not drink. You will experience fatigue, drowsiness, feeling depressed, or not energetic. Which in 1 day should not drink more than 3-4 cups of coffee or receive no more than 300-400 mg of caffeine. Black coffee is a regular substitute for coffee with added sugar and creamer. Because it may get more energy and fat. Will result in weight gain or obesity.
Black coffee contains antioxidants such as vitamins B2, B3, B5, manganese, potassium and magnesium. which is an important substance that helps strengthen the immune system in the body Help reduce free radicals. not to cause damage to the cells It also helps to make the body strong. Reduce the incidence of various diseases. and slow down the deterioration of the body